University of Helsinki Finland Fully Funded Scholarships September 2024

Study in Finland on a Fully Funded Scholarship Applications for fully funded scholarships in Finland are now open in all study fields. If you dream of studying in Finland then you can now apply for this golden opportunity. All international students can now apply for the University of Helsinki Finland Scholarship Program 2024. The University of Helsinki is now offering 23 Fully Funded Master’s Scholarships from applicants around the globe for 2024 study sessions. 

The University of Helsinki, Finland is one of the most famous Universities in Finland for International students. The scholarships offered at Helsinki University will cover all the expenses for the selected students. You can apply only once per academic year. Applications are now open and you must apply online before the application deadline comes. The notified duration of the Scholarship is 2 Years for a Master’s Degree program.

Every year a wide range of multidisciplinary master’s programs are available for all international students. Most subjects offered at the University campus are taught in English. You can apply or any study program according to your tastes and interests. The admission applications for Helsinki University in Finland open in December and the deadline goes till January. The Scholarship applications are now accepted from outside the EU/EEA countries and Switzerland.  Students from European countries and Switzerland are NOT eligible for these Scholarships.

Here in this article, I have provided information about all the scholarships offered at the University. You must study the complete article for the complete details about the University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships 2024.

University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships
University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships

University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships 2024; Summary

  • Host Country: Finland
  • Host University: University of Helsinki
  • Finland Currency: Euro
  • Degree Offered: Masters
  • Scholarship Coverage: Fully Funded

Financial Coverage

The Helsinki University Scholarship is a Fully Funded Master’s scholarship program. The financial coverages are given as:

Tuition fees Coverage: Students will receive an allowance for their University tuition and registration fee. This allowance ranges from 13000 to 18,000 euros.

No Application Fee: There is no requirement for application fees for the University of Helsinki scholarships 2024. Students can now apply for fully funded scholarships for Free.

Relocation Grant: All the students will receive relocation grants including a 5000 € relocation assistance if they want to change their residences in Finland.

Student meal discounts: All students will receive meal discounts at the university cafeteria. You will get a card with your credited money for your meals.

Documents required

  • CV for the scholarship application
  • Motivation letter
  • Stud Plan
  • Copy of Legal Passport
  • English Proficiency Certificate
  • Recommendation Letters
  • Online application form.

You have to submit these documents with the application form.

List of Master Programs available at Helsinki University, Finland:

  • Ag­ri­cul­tural Sciences
  • Ag­ri­cul­tural,
  • Environ­mental and Re­source Eco­nom­ics
  • At­mo­spheric Sciences
  • Changing Education
  • Chemistry and Mo­lecu­lar Sciences
  • Com­puter Science
  • Con­tem­por­ary So­ci­et­ies
  • Data Science
  • Eco­logy and Evol­u­tion­ary Biology
  • Eco­nom­ics
  • Eng­lish Stud­ies
  • Environ­mental Change and Global Sustainability
  • European and Nordic Stud­ies
  • Food Sciences
  • Forest Sciences
  • Ge­net­ics and Mo­lecu­lar Bios­ciences
  • Geo­graphy
  • Geo­logy and Geo­phys­ics
  • Global Governance Law
  • Global Polit­ics and Communication
  • Hu­man Nu­tri­tion and Food-Re­lated Be­ha­viour
  • In­teg­rat­ive Plant Sciences
  • In­ter­cul­tural En­coun­ters
  • In­ter­na­tional Busi­ness Law
  • Life Science In­form­at­ics
  • Lin­guistic Di­versity and Digital Hu­man­it­ies
  • Materials Research (MATRES)
  • Mathematics and Stat­ist­ics
  • Micro­biology and Mi­cro­bial Biotechnology
  • Neuroscience
  • Particle Phys­ics and As­tro­phys­ical Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Research, Development, and Safety
  • Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies
  • The­or­et­ical and Com­pu­ta­tional Meth­ods
  • Trans­la­tional Medicine
  • Urban Stud­ies and Plan­ning

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must meet the following eligibility factors:

  • All International candidates from outside EU/EEA countries are eligible
  • Students applying from EU/EEA countries are not eligible
  • Students with excellent study backgrounds are preferred.
  • You must have a clean and clear criminal record.

Application Process

  • Visit the official website for university officials here.
  • Find the suitable Master’s program here Master’s Programs page.
  • Carefully note the instructions on the application process for the Master’s program.
  • Arrange all the required documents
  • Fill out the application form for the scholarship.
  • Fill in the form with the required application form.
  • Attach all the required documents.
  • Submit the application form carefully.

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