NSP Scholarship Biometric Authentication

NSP Scholarship Biometric Authentication: The government decided to re-validate the application after taking into account the results of the physical verification of institutes/beneficiaries for the academic year conducted by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), wherein various discrepancies in the authenticity of institutes/beneficiaries have been noticed.

As the payment of Scholarships will only be conducted through the Aadhaar Payment System, candidates are advised to double-check that the Aadhaar number provided is seeded with the Bank Account in order to ensure fast delivery of the Scholarship amount.

These candidates must complete NSP Scholarship Biometric Authentication for their scholarship applications before 25, at CSC centers in front of the Head of the Institution or International Nominating Official.

Where to update Aadhaar for NSP Biometric Authentication?

all students are instructed to complete the NSP biometric identification process for their scholarship applications. In the presence of the HoI and INO, one should attend the relevant Institute Camps organized by CSC for biometric authentication. Biometric Authentication may be carried out through the Common Service Centre (CSC). Any applicant who fails or does not finish biometric authentication will have their application marked as “Rejected.”

In the presence of the HoI and INO, one should attend the relevant Institute Camps organized by CSC for biometric authentication.


When you visit the CSC Centre for the biometric authentication process for your scholarship application, don’t forget to bring your NSP Account Details (Aadhar Card, Application ID, Username, and Password).

Procedure for Applicants’ Biometric Authentication

  • Camps will be held in the institutions by the Common Service Centre (CSC) VLE to execute the biometric authentication of the revalidated applicants.
  • For biometric authentication, applicants must report to CSC VLE with their Aadhaar number and NSP user ID.
  • The NSP biometric authentication tool will be used by CSC VLE to verify the information submitted by Applicants.
  • The details of the applicants will be returned to the NSP-BA utility and given to them for confirmation before CSC VLE takes a live picture of them if the information provided by the applicants coincides with an entry in the NSP database.
  • Following successful validation, CSC VLE will carry out biometric authentication for Applicants.
  • If biometric authentication is successful, data will be recorded in the CSC database and the NSP portal will be updated with information about the transaction, including whether biometric authentication was successful or unsuccessful.

Procedure of Applicants Re-validation by INOs/DNOs

  • Applications that have successfully undergone biometric authentication will be made available for revalidation in the INO logins.
  • Only in the event that the bio-auth of the HoI and INO of that institute is successful would re-validation be made available.
  • These students will also receive an SMS notifying them that their application has been returned to their INOs for revalidation.
  • Applications will be escalated to SNO’s/DNO’s login for re-validation in the event that INO does not re-validate them by the last cut-off date for INO.
  • The application will be listed as Accepted or Rejected after L1 or L2 officers have revalidated it. There won’t be any other choice for re-validation.

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