Health and Care UK Worker Visa Sponsorship Jobs September 2024

In UK, Health and Care Jobs are in very high demand in 2024. Health and care work jobs have also been included in the UK’s shortage occupations list. Many UK Employers sponsor Health and Care Worker Visas to work there. In these sponsorship jobs, foreigners can work as a doctor, nurses, health professionals, or adult social care professionals. If you want to get UK Sponsorship Work Visa you will need to qualify in some of these fields. Below we provide complete guidance on UK Health and Care Worker Visa Sponsorship Jobs 2024.

UK Worker Visa Sponsorship Jobs
UK Worker Visa Sponsorship Jobs

Details of UK Health and Care Worker Visa Sponsorship Jobs 2024

Job CountryUnited Kingdom (UK)
Visa TypeSponsorship Visa (Health and Care Worker Visa)
Eligible ForForeign Workers

Also See: UK 40000 Unskilled Work Visa Sponsorship Jobs

What Companies are Offering Sponsorship Jobs in UK

✔ Zorba Delicacies Limited

✔ 100Starlings Ltd

✔ 10 Europe Limited

Youth With A Mission (NI) Ltd


Zorba Group Limited

Zot Engineering

101 A+D Ltd.

1 Stop Print Ltd

10 Europe Limited

Youth With A Mission Harpenden Ltd


1000heads Ltd

PhysioUK Limited

Read More: GSK Tier 2 Visa Sponsorship Jobs in UK

Tier 2 Sponsors List of UK (Health and Care Sectors)

You can directly contact the companies for available job positions and ask them if they will give you a sponsorship job or not.


Below we provide a link where you can view all types of job sectors in health and care jobs in the UK.

Click here to see Tier 2 Sponsors Jobs in UK.

What are the Eligible Occupations

If you get a Health and Care sponsorship visa you can work in the following fields:

  • 2215: Dental practitioners:
    • For this job sector applicants need a dental degree and must be registered with the General Dental Council (GDC) for legal practice in the UK
  • 3216: Dispensing opticians:
    • Applicants usually require a Level 6 qualification in optometry and registration with the General Optical Council (GOC).
  • 6145: Care workers and home careers:
    • In this sector, you have some formal experience and some minimum qualifications. 
  • 6141: Nursing auxiliaries and assistants:
    • Common with GCSEs/S grades and completion of relevant healthcare courses required for this job sector.
  • 2223: Speech and language therapists Sector
  • 3218: Medical and dental technicians:
    • Applicants need some relevant qualifications but requirements depend on the specific role. 
  • 2112: Biological scientists and biochemists
  • 6143: Dental nurses:
    • Dental nursing qualification is required. You can get from on-the-job training or accredited courses.
  • 1242: Residential, Day, and Domiciliary Care Managers and Owners
  • 2442: Social workers
  • 2212: Psychologists
  • 2213: Pharmacists
  • 2217: Medical radiographers
  • 2211: Medical practitioners
  • 3217: Pharmaceutical technicians
  • 2222: Occupational therapists
  • 2229: Therapy professionals
  • 3213: Paramedics:
    • Paramedicine or a related field degree is required for this sector and registration is required with (HCPC).
  • 2113: Physical scientists
  • 2218: Podiatrists
  • 2231: Nurses:
    • Required Bachelor of Nursing degree that is registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).
  • 2232: Midwives:
    • A midwifery degree and registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council is required for this sector. 
  • 6146: Senior care workers
  • 2214: Ophthalmic opticians
  • 2219: Health professionals
  • 1181: Health services and public health managers and directors
  • 2221: Physiotherapists
  • 3111: Laboratory technicians

How to Apply

A UK employer sponsors you a work visa if you meet his requirements. After that, you can apply for the UK Health and Care Worker Visa 2024. Your UK employer will give you the all needed documents and full support.

12 thoughts on “Health and Care UK Worker Visa Sponsorship Jobs September 2024”

  1. I am Muhammad Shafiq from Pakistan
    I am a hard worker and responsible person.
    I have twenty years experience in multiple Fields

  2. I am Muhammad Shafiq from Pakistan
    I am a hard worker and responsible person.
    I have twenty years experience in multiple Fields


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